What are the 7 Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis?

Over the years, autism treatments have varied in their methodology, and success rates have fluctuated. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has been a tried-and-true solution to thousands of people with autism over the decades. The principles of ABA are based on 7 dimensions that are the foundation of learning and lasting change. As these 7 dimensions of applied behavior analysis are met and the skills are solidified, they become a learned behavior that can help an individual achieve greater success in a variety of ways. This form of therapy helps people with autism learn, practice, and retain the skills that can help improve quality of life. At the Pingree Center, we incorporate ABA into our programming, training, and facilities to better assist our students. With this implementation, we see the highest outcomes of personal growth of each and every individual.  

The 7 Dimensions of ABA Defined

The 7 dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis rely on one another for the success and adoption of a skillset. A solid ABA plan must use all 7 dimensions in order for a goal to be met. The 7 dimensions overlap one another to create a cohesive plan of comprehension and learning. Because of these 7 discrete dimensions that help people learn and adapt new skills, Applied Behavioral Analysis intervention for autism in early childhood is especially helpful. The 7 dimensions are often given the acronym GETACAB.

  1. Generalization: Skills can be transferred from one setting to another. Because the skills are learned in a closed environment and with few instructors, it is important for generalization of skills to be a priority. When skills are able to be transferred between settings and with different people, it is considered a true measure of learning.
  2. Effective: Interventions are monitored and evaluated as they connect to target behavior. When a behavior is identified, it is important to ensure that the goal is connected to community culture and that the learning is valuable, effective and headed in a useful direction. 
  3. Technological: Procedures are clearly and concisely expressed for ease of use by others. ABA is most successful when the interventions are clearly written so that varying people helping in the learning process are employing the same strategies. This is a crucial aspect of learning that, when consistently committed to, offers people a solid foundation for skill-building.
  4. Applied: Socially significant behaviors are chosen. The learned skills through ABA must translate into healthy behavioral changes in the home and community in order to be successful. ABA is practical because of the real-life benefits it offers people with autism. Applicability to real-life needs is the main reason the modality works so well. 
  5. Conceptually systematic: Interventions are consistent with principles in literature. Another reason ABA is so valuable is the consistent dedication to evidence-based scientific findings. This commitment to the principles in literature ensures that people who are using ABA treatment methods are getting the most out of their experience.
  6. Analytic: Decisions are tracked and databased. Target behaviors and progress toward those goals are monitored regularly to ensure success. If interventions are not providing the outcomes intended, they must be reassessed to determine what alterations need to be made. The analytic portion of ABA is crucial to ensure that goals and behaviors are relevant, timely and active. This prevents goals from becoming stagnant when interventions aren’t working out. It helps practitioners to understand what is working and what may need adjustment.
  7. Behavioral: Targeted behaviors are observable and measurable. Commitment to shaping observable behaviors makes ABA a tangible, practical process. When behaviors can be observed, and changes tracked and monitored, the outcomes are measurable and therefore, evidence-based. 

How ABA Helps with Autism

People with autism benefit from ABA because of the adherence to consistency and attention to detail that the treatment method employs. Often the best results for kids with autism stems from consistent, measurable and logical targets that help build transferable skills that last. A transferable skill means that a child or adolescent has gained a skill that is usable at home, in the community, at school, and with peers. It is this type of methodology that has given ABA such a great reputation for people with autism. Transparency is an important aspect of ABA; parents, practitioners, and kids involved in the treatment are partners in the process and the successes are observable and relevant to real-life needs.

Success Stories

Carmen B. Pingree Autism Center of Learning proudly serves children and adults with autism. The multitude of success stories stemming from our facility speaks volumes about the program’s commitment to best practices and evidence-based ABA treatment. 

Families who have made the choice to join this center have had great results. Some of the Pingree Center families have offered appreciation for great results and individualized plans for the unique needs and strengths of each individual. Families have also expressed gratitude for the program teaching ways to implement the plan at home for greater success. The dedicated, caring staff at our facility are committed to the goals and progress of each student, and it shows in the rapid progress many kids are able to make in this enriching and supportive setting. 

Because of our commitment to the individual goals of each student, the ratio of student-to-teacher is optimal. Plenty of individualized support and small-group work ensures that students are getting their needs met. Our Autism Center of Learning provides a fun, educational setting that is safe and compassionate for all. Services range from preschool age up through adolescence and into adulthood provide children with autism and their families with commitment and dedication to success. Parents have shared feedback with some astonishment, given prior school experiences. They are relieved to have the unique needs of their children honored and addressed in a consistent and compassionate manner. 

The Pingree Center recognizes and supports families impacted by autism and offers individualized ABA plans to build skills that will last.