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Get Involved

Working towards a brighter tomorrow

We are always looking for dedicated, compassionate people to help out at the Pingree Center. Having a strong community is the only reason we are able to provide care and support to families all across Utah. Here are a few ways to get involved with our autism therapy center:

Autism Volunteer Opportunities

The constant support from our local community is what has made the Pingree Center the leading autism center in Utah. We have autism volunteer opportunities for programs, community projects, events, and more. If you are passionate about helping others and would like to get involved, please contact us for volunteer opportunities.

Support Our Center

If you don’t have time to commit to the ways of getting involved mentioned above, the Pingree Center is always accepting donations to fund new programs, student scholarships, and autism research. No matter how big, every single donation helps. Thank you for your generosity!
Contact Us

Get in touch with us today.

Call us at:
(801) 581-0194

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